(512) 800-1055
Fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers are often the first line of defense for a small fire in the workplace or at home. They can contain a small fire and prevent thousands of dollars of damage and injury or worse.
All fire extinguishers used in commercial locations must be tested annually by a licensed company. In addition, every 6 years they should be inspected internally by taking them apart and checking and cleaning components. Every 12 years they should undergo hydrostatic testing to make sure they cylinder has not weakened.
Triangle Fire & Security checks the status of all your extinguishers as part of your complete yearly testing service and does whatever is necessary to make sure they work and pass inspections.
We can also check all your emergency exit signs to make sure they are not obstructed and work properly.
Call us at 512-800-1055 and let’s talk about how we can help you stay compliant and keep your equipment in good working order.